Saturday, April 22, 2006


This blog is dedicated to Haphazardry and the Theory of Haphazard Design. The Theory of Haphazard Design (HD) states that, rather than being the result of physics and evolution, our universe and life as we know it are the products of a conscious design, but one that was haphazard at best.

The Theory Haphazard Design is rooted in Theory of Intelligent Design. But although HD shares some of the fundamental tenets of intelligent Design, proponents of HD believe that intelligence alone is not sufficient to explain the origins of the universe. After all, even a genius can do a lousy job of something. HD holds that the carelessness and negligence of the original designer(s) is the best explanation for all that we observe and experience.

The discipline of Haphazardry, also known as Haphazard Studies, has several branches. Observational Haphazardry focuses on discovering and enumerating evidence of HD in physical phenomena. Biological Haphazardry is centered around the the Theory of Haphazard Selection. Cultural Haphazardry is concerned with behavioral and psychological manifestations of Haphazardry. Theoretical Haphazardry attempts to develop explanations for why the design was so haphazard in the first place.

In coming posts, we hope to provide a grounding in the fundamentals of Haphazardry, as well as bringing you the most exciting and compelling developments in Haphazard scholarship.


Blogger freeman76 said...

Anything on Quantum Hapazardry?

5:21 PM  
Blogger Essephreak said...

You seem to be a bit young to know about such things. Quantum Haphazardry does hold sway with a sizable part of the Haphazard community. We'll get to it in detail when we delve into Theoretical Haphazardry, but think about it: even at subatomic levels, we see evidence of HD. Who else besides a haphazard, wishy-washy designer would make it impossible tell whether light is a particle or a wave?

5:39 PM  

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