Saturday, April 22, 2006

Where Intelligent Design Falls Short

Intelligent Design is a lot like that fellow in Plato's cave. It sees the shadow, and mistakes it for the Light. Take for example, this video, which we found by way of Crooks & Liars, especially the section from 5:35 to 6:02, in which the co-host, one Ray Comfort, patiently explains how the existence of a building proves the existence of a builder.

Well, yes, the building is proof that there was a builder. Duh. The question is, what does the design of the building say about the builder? Granted, during this segment the video shows architectural designs for the Chrysler Building in New York, whose elegance certainly speaks well for its designer. But what about other buildings, for example the one shown here?

This building is proof that not only was there a builder, but this builder was a greedy charlatan who made no effort whatsoever to construct a thing of beauty or elegance. Haphazard design; haphazard designer.

Haphazard Studies has clearly demonstrated that, except for rare aberrations, the universe consistently betrays a Haphazard Design. How else do you explain George W. Bush?


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